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Mercedess Vet Visit

21 17:36:11

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,

I just got back from the vet. He thinks she may have suffered from a seizure and she may have an infection. I forgot the infections name it started with an M and sounded like muscular...  he prescribed her baytril 68mg, and doxyclinine 100mg... i am hoping it's an infection this way she'll get some what better...

ANSWER: Mycoplasmosis?


What caused the seizures?  Infection...where?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Mycoplasmosis I believe. I would have remembered meningitis. He wasn't very clear with everything... he was going to take a sample of her discharge from her nose... that red stuff I thought was blood and see if there were any signs of it but we couldn't afford it. So we ended up going with the prescriptions. Umm... for the seizures I have no clue what caused them and I don't think he even knew like I said he wasn't very clear. He also said that I should change my care fresh bedding to newspaper and to feed her some mashed potatoes. If it is an infection I will see progress within a couple of days. Let's hope this medication works. Sorry... short term memory loss... =/

ANSWER: She needs something for inflammation.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Sandra,

The injection didn't seem to help. I still have hope that she'll pull through. But today, she was having a new symptom, as if she were trying to throw up or gag... I help her while she was doing this... it went on for about two minutes. Her eyes look like she is worn out, and it kind of looks like she is getting skinnier. I am going to try to feed her by the syringe tonight and see if she takes in any food... is there any other treatment you think will help Mercedes?


What injection did she get?

It sounds like she was gasping or wheezing and having some kind of attack.  

She should be kept in the hospital and put on antibiotics using a nebulizer.  This will get the medication directly into her lungs.
If she is having a hard time breathing they can also administer albuterol to open her airways.  

Lets start here:  list to me all of her symptoms and even if some symptoms have gone away list those and let me know if they are gone and when they went away.

Hang in there!