Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Thanks!!


21 17:48:30

QUESTION: I had too many follow-ups so I had to start a new one. I asked about adding anew rat to my 10 month old rats. I don't know how old I want but I want to rescue a hairless rat. I have to see what is available though. If you know of anywhere you would recomend in the Bay Area,CA it would be very helpful. What do you think of hairless rats?

ANSWER: Hairless rats....are cute as heck!  Just like furred rats they operate the same:)

However, they tend to get eye infections easier due to lack of eyelashes to protect their little eyes and they also lack a thymus gland so they have a weaker immune system. Vitamin supplements in their food helps take care of that.  Nothing in the water ever or if they dont like the taste, they will stop drinking it which is bad news.
They have a faster metabolic rate which means that diseases may accelerate so its important once they are ill to get to the vet ASAP.  Some say hairless rats have a shorter life span but I have seen no real evidence of this being true. I know folks that have had them for 3 years or more and some die early around 1 or 2 years old but I have lost furred rats at 6 months old so its impossible to predict.
Hairless rats need a bit more protein too.  Furred rats should not exceed 15 percent and hairless, aroun 18 to 23 percent. Any higher and it leads to kidney disease.

Hairless rats get scratched easier and are more prone to abscesses as well since they can get injured easier to keeping your rats nails filed is also important.  ALL rats are prone to abscesses in my opinion but I am just repeating basically text book stuff.

The most important thing to remember with hairless rats is that they need kept warm so provide soft fleece hammocks and hidey houses and they need a bit more protein and keep an eye on their eyes for infection.
Other than that, those are the basics I say to worry about (above) and the rest is just medical mumbo jumbo I had to at least cover for you.

I would also not put a young hairless with adult male rats....same for furred rats..but you never said if the 10 month old rats are males or females.

As for rescues in CA, I will have to look for ya.

hang in there


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thankyou! I have two females. So is that a yes or no for your opinion if I should get some.

Well, now that I outlined the pros and cons, that is up to you really, but I would get them...just keep in mind they have a bit more health risks than furred rats but as long as you are aware of that, it should work out well.

I almost forgot to add that they are prone to dry skin too. You can resolve that by rubbing them with a bit of olive oil (no really!!) or feeding them a bit on a cracker a few times a week (salt free cracker piece that is)  Its better to rub the oil on your hands and rub their body with it though and their skin is so soft and warm and leathery....I love hairless ratties.  They are just adorable!