Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > rat tumers

rat tumers

21 17:48:30

penguin son of nagatar was born on may 7th with his brother nineveh 2006
has been growing a tumer over his heart and Rex also is growing a tumer on
his back i want to fix them and we are in San Francisco tumers are a few
months old penguins mother mama rat had the tumers in her stomach and i
had to surrender her to animal care and control also his brother had the
respatory sickness and also was surrendered i would rather keep penguin and
rex thank you


I am glad you are going to help the ratties rather than surrender to animal control since they usually do not fix the rats.

What exactly is your question, though as I am not sure if you just wanted me to tell you it was ok to do it or help you find a vet, so I will do both :)

Here are the names of vets that care for rats in San Francisco:

Dr. Nicola Melliar-Smith
All Pets Hospital    
269 South VanNess Avenue
San Francisco CA 94103
Phone:    415-861-5725


Dr. Leila Marcucci
Bay Area Bird Hospital
2145 Taraval Street
San Francisco CA 94116
Phone:    415-566-4359

Dr. Jeffrey N. Bryon
Dr. Kelly Jensen
1434 Irving St
San Francisco CA
(415) 664-0191
