Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Condi


21 17:51:27

My pet rat's name is Condi and she is about a year old and she is black, with a lot of brown running through and a white belly, berkshire maybe? Anyways, she got sick a few weeks ago, and I took her to my local veternarian and they gave me some baytril and said she had some sort of respiratory infection and that beytril should take care of it. Well it hasn't, and she appears to have gotten much worse, she is very thin, still interested in food, very interested in treats, but still pretty thin. She appears to be having trouble breathing as I've noticed she makes sort of raspy squeeky sounds occasionaly. Prior to her trip to the vet she displayed some sort of a discharge from her vulva which was dark brown in color, she wasn't able to access a rat so I know that a miscarriage is not an option here so I was very worried. She no longer does that since she took the baytril, so that must have taken care of that aspect of her illness, but she still displays all of the other symptoms. Just thought I would put that in there because all the information helps. Also sometimes I find that her fur is very puffed up as well. She still is playful and wants to get all the same love and attention, she's such a trooper but I'm worried because I've asked my vets here and they can't give me an answer so I hope you can!
Thanks So Much!!

Take her back to the vet and request another round of antibiotics. She is still sick, most likely, caused by mycoplasmosis. Better yet, go to Sandra Todd and explain to her the situation - she can give you spot-on advice on how to approach the vet!