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Mycoplasma Contagious ?

21 17:19:03

My daughter's pet rat, Coco, died in August, despite our best efforts and some very good vet care. We now have only Mojo left, who is, of course, lonely, as a single rat. She was sick, and survived, but sometimes looks as though she has difficulty breathing. My daughter wants to get more rats, and we recently purchased a very large cage. Can I let the new rats (after a 2 week quarantine period) live with Mojo ? Or, if not live with, interact with ? I can keep Mojo in the smaller cage, just don't want her to be unhappy or the new rats to get sick. Please let me know-my daughter is quite anxious. Thanks,


Yes absolutely, let the new rats slowly meet Mojo.   

As for mycoplasmosis, please read my website to better understand the bacteria and also learn more about prevention and treatment of it.  Rats can live with myco, since they are born with it, but the proper treatment is necessary. The first outbreak of any respiratory infection should be controlled with baytril for 30 days up to 6 weeks. If there is a second outbreak, in order to avoid long term lung damage, you should have your vet put the rat on medication for the rest of the rats life to prevent any further infection.  Please read about it here. Every rat owner should know this: