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Baby rat is shaky

21 17:53:26

Hi this is just in response to your help on my rat Bailey...I Got home last night to find her feeling very sorry for herself- she was sqeauking as she breathied heavily and wouldn't move- i couldn't take seeing her suffer so i called the oet store i bought her from they sounded worried too so they called the inhouse vet to come in the vet had a look at her and the result....she has Pnuemonia!!! Can't beleive it poor little sweetie- i have to give her antibiotics now. Thanks for your help.

Hi Kristie

I had no idea she was making noises when she was breathing or I would have known she wasnt just scared and shaking from anxiety since respiration sounds usually mean respiratory infection.  Wow did I miss that one!!!!!!!  

Being she was new and in a new home etc...I assumed her shaking was linked simply to being nervous. Sometimes not having a visual or even hands on exam makes it hard to diagnose in my computer chair.

Poor little girly!!

I am SO happy you took her to the vet. Good job on getting her there so fast.

If she isnt eating, you can offer her baby food (strained) start with the veggies before fruits or she may get the taste for the sweet fruits and turn her nose up to the sweets. Let her lick it from your fingers since she may feel weak. Also, when rats have trouble breathing, its easier to lick and more exhausting to chew so they stop eating because of that. If you let her lick, she may take it from you readily.

I hope she feels better soon!