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Fudge eye continued

21 17:48:50

Hi Sandra
I tried a follow up post but for some reason i can never get them to work. Anyway... Ive sent you a couple of pics to that email address you mentioned. It was hard keeping her still long enough but i managed to get a couple.
Am still a bit worried about her. Ive looked at some old pictures of her and it seems one eye has always been slightly bigger than the other anyway but worried its getting worse.
She has become really really nervous (she was always the more nervous of the 2) when i get in Toffee is trying to chew her way out of the cage to come and see me and little Fudgie is snuggled in her fleeced lined roof hammock (that they have chewed to bits-really must get a new one!!!!). She never seems to leave it. I was thinking of taking it away for a while but it would be cruel as they both love it so much.
I pick Fudge up and she is desperate to get away from me. I hold all her paws so she cant grab onto anything when i get her out. She must think im punishing her or something not getting them out for free range. I hold her and stroke her and she continues to sway (im sure its more than normal) They are both pink eyed rats and i know this is a sign of their poor eye sight but im sure she is doing it almost all the time even when she is eating food. She will freeze in my hands, sway and then make a bolt for it.
Last night i opened the door and let Fudge come out by self. Toffee was straight out, following me around, trying to climb in my mouth and generally being a little madam but it took Fudge about 20 mins to realise she could come out. She runs out and hides behind and under anything so she isnt exposed. She always makes her way to the other side of the room and hides behind the PC. I left her there for about 30 mins. She wouldnt come out to be put away so i put my hand near her slowly so she could sniff me and carefully picked her. She has never bitten me and lets me pick her up. I make sure she cant jump out my hands but she is always trying to get away. By the time i had opened the cage door to get put her away she had nearly scratched my arms to bits and literally jumped back into her cage, bolted for her plastic tube and carried on swaying at me. Usually i give them a apple flavoured treat 'em when i put them away which they devour and eat it there and then and not hide it. Fudge wouldnt touch it. She just seemed so scared.
I gave her apple baby food puree when she was out and she licked that off my finger so she is eating but when she is so nervous she wont take anything.
Sorry to rattle on. Have you any thoughts? Both girls are about a year old this month



Hi Vicky

This is pretty unusual.  The head swaying is adorable...I love it..I cant help but laugh when they do it. I have had alot of pink or red eyed rats sway so fast I would sing a song to them in time with the swaying. LOL

I think I told you they do this in order to get a better idea of depth and distance using what is called Motion Parallax.  She seems to heavily rely on it which makes me wonder if something isnt going on that has caused her to lose her vision. Rats have really bad vision anyhow but enough they can get what needs to be done, done!  She seems like she is scared because of what she cannot see.

I never got the photos. Did you send them to I cant remember which email I gave you *I have two* but I check both daily.

Can you send them again?

