Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > not coming when i call her name

not coming when i call her name

21 17:49:12

i had my pet rat for like 2months so far ive been trying to train it to come to me when i call her name but, still she doesn't come. I did everything i possibly think of. i pick her up and say her name and give her a treat. i have try doing a clicker training. and nothing works. What methods can i do to teach her to come?Is there something wrong with my pet rat? cause seem like my method has not worked. so please help me! Thank You


Try this:

Rats LOVE dry oatmeal flakes. Get some of these and give her a taste.  Let it go for several hours after that and dont try to work with her right off with the names yet.

What you want to do is let her come for the oats as you say her name.
Get more oats, (a pinch is fine) and put it on a flat little dish and show her you have them and as she walks towards them, let her follow a few inches before putting the dish down to let her have them.  The entire time you are luring her with the oats, say her name. I dont know what her name is but for example, say: Come, Daisy! and show her the dish and let her come for it a few inches and set it down. Do this several times a day.  After about a week, she will come when you call her but she will still expect her oats so always be prepared to give her some.  After she gets older you may just let her have the oats mixed with her food since it is part of a homemade rat diet anyhow, but by that time she will already know "come Daisy" or whatever her name is.

Rats learn by repeating things again and again. They remember pretty well.

Hope this helps....let me know how it goes but be patient and dont get frustrated or she will pick up on that negative energy   and may withdraw from cooperating.
