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me again one last time!

21 17:55:23

yes they cuddle and im not sure what theyre doing when they stand there one with its paws ontop of the other one ,standing still. every once in a while one of them screeches but then theyre quiet again. just please tell me i dont have to worry serendipity isnt going to kill Graves

Hi Michelle

They need to adjust to each other...thats all.  I can tell you that it would be unlikely that she would kill Graves, but I wish I could say it never ever will happen in a million years, because it has occured although it  is not common, especially for a female to do to another female. Again, I would keep them apart and re-introduce them slowly if you think one of them may end up injured.
Also, you can write to me at I get alot of email there too from rat keepers so feel free to write to me there too.