Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Is it possible for my rat to be pregnant?

Is it possible for my rat to be pregnant?

21 17:36:27

QUESTION: OK, this is going to sound a bit crazy so bear with me. About 4 months ago after plenty of research we planned to get a rat for our 12 year old daughter; she asked for a female. After visiting a reputable shop we came home with two rats, one male and one female. The male was being sold as a feeder rat and was just too friendly and pretty to be destined to a snakes belly; they've both proved to be terrific pets for the whole family. We keep them in separate cages, side by side with about 6 inches separating them.

Here's the thing, about a week and half ago I walked into the room they're kept in and found Tink (the female) out of her cage and roaming on the desk. I think I may have inadvertently left the cage open the night before. Puck (our male) was still in his cage.

While I was relieved Tink was OK after her little adventure, I didn't think much else about it until this morning. I've noticed that in the last couple of days she has had an endless appetite, has gained weight in the middle, is drinking more and seems very hyper and even more affectionate and curious than the norm.

My thanks in advance for reading so far....just want to make sure you have all the details. Here's my question, is it possible the mated through the wire cage? If she's pregnant it would be the only explanation!

Am I over thinking this or is it possible? If she really is pregnant, is there any way to know for sure? She's really small, almost half the size of our male. Even her fur is different- she's really fluffy and soft, our male is more sleek and well...kind of musky. Anyway, they've both become a real part of our household, more so than expected. I just want to make sure she'll be OK if she's gonna be a Mama.


ANSWER: Hi Elaine

Whoa boy.... I hate to tell you this, and mind you, I myself do not know anyone first hand that has had their female become pregnant through the bars, BUT....I have had people write and tell me that they caught their rats mating through the bars.  Since females are in heat every 5 days for about 12 hours and usually this occurs at night, (why, I do not know) and the cage bars are spaced far enough that she could back right up and the male could mount her, its possible. Its definitely not IMPOSSIBLE. Put it that way.

Here is how it works: Its not real unusual for people to buy rats that are pregnant if they get them from the feeder tanks because they do not show their pregnancy till the final week or so. Gestation is 21 days.  Their belly takes on a pear shape, the fur around the nipples thin out, preparing the nipples for the new pups so they can suckle easier, and moms attitude may change, but usually not to be extra sweet, but rather, more aggressive and guarded. She may even nip, maybe downright bite due to her raging hormones. She will begin to nest like crazy a few days before labor begins and there may be a bloody show.  If she is only a week pregnant, you would not see any changes yet, so thats the good news. The only bad news is that she could have up to 18 pups, with the average being around 12 and the other bad news is, its super hard to find homes for them and taking them to a pet shop only means they will end up as snake food.

Your only option is to find a really good vet that is an exotics specialist (I can help) and have her spayed, which of course means if there is a pregnancy...well, you know the rest of course.

I rescued two females from a snake tank years back. 18 days later they had babies. The younger rat had just 7, the older rat, who was also very tiny, had 15!!  Yes, I kept them all. Sounds crazy, yes, I am. LOL

So there ya go.... there is a chance she could have indeed mated if the bars are spaced far enough apart.  How close are the bars?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for getting back to me so quickly!

OK, I have friend who is also a vet specializing in exotic pets. We've actually lent Puck to them a couple of times to show off for their open house.

Tink has never eaten a whole lot, the last couple of day's her food bin has been empty and she's been drinking a lot more. I've noticed that she's developed a slight paunch on her tummy and her nipples are pinker than normal (I can see them through her fur). My concern is that because she's so tiny, can she get through a pregnancy OK? If she was pregnant I would NEVER give her pups to a pet store....NEVER! Ever if it took some time I would home them and those I couldn't, well, they would always have a home here.

Is there anything I should be watching for? Does she fit the description of a pregnant Doe? I've never seen here eat so much!! We just want to do the right thing and take care of her.


Increased appetite is also a sign, yes...but  again, usually they dont show signs such as a fatter, more firm, pear shaped abdomen or protruding nipples until a week before birth. You said this may have happened 10 or 12 days ago?  That means if she is, she has about 10 days or so to go before pups arrive.

If you think she is pregnant, or rather, since there is a chance she may be, you can increase her iron some by adding scrambled egg to her diet a few times per week along with soy milk or soy formula.

In the final stage of her pregnancy, she will want to nest and you can help prepare her nest by giving her fleece to build a nest with. Do not give her anything with strings, fringe or holes since the babies can get stuck in these and strangle. Also, remove hammocks, wheels and tubes etc...and also put her in a single story cage, or remove ledges and shelves so she cant give birth on these shelves (sometimes they build a nest in odd places) plus you dont want the babies to fall off any of these shelves etc...

As for her small size, usually small rats have small litters..usually, that is.
Once we are positive she is pregnant, you will want to try to be around for the birth to watch for problems.