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Tips on keeping one rat with a mild repsiratory infection

21 17:37:00


I recently had to put down one of my two little ratties because he had a really bad case of myco.  These two are my first ratties, and I didn't really know what to look for, but now I do.

I would like to know what I can do for my remaining rattie, Boo.  He has to be medicated twice a day with Baytril and Doxy ( I can never remember the full name).  He gets as much attention as I can give him, anywhere from an hour to a whole afternoon on the weekends.  His cage has 2 levels, 2 hammocks and 2 tubes (PVC piping and a polar fleece tube).

I am kinda stuck on how to keep him occupied while I am not at home, and I am guessing I can't get another rattie as the infection would spread.

Thanks in advance for any information.

- Brook & Boo

Please read up on myco here at my site. I have extensive studies on this annoying organism and wrote a page on it for all rat owners, novice or veteran alike.   Also, you may get another rat and I would do it soon so he doesnt stress and have his immune system weaken from the stress of the loss of his cagemate.  Myco is something all rats are born with and once you read my site you will understand it is all based on the immune system than anything else.  Please let me know after you read up on it. Also as long as this rat is on antibioitics, the infection is being destroyed slowly.  

Here is the URL:  Please write back soon as you go over it.