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Customising cage for older rat

21 17:46:57


I have 2 does, one called Ronnie who is nearly 2 years old and Wanda who is a year old. I have a very large wire cage with platic bottom, igloo at the bottom with bedding, some ropes and ladders with a hammock at the top. A large chew ball at the bottom, a rat safe wooden bendy block to act as a step that goes over the top of a large cardboard tube. The water bottle is on ground level, as is the food dish (hung on the side of the cage but easliy reachable). Ronnie, the older rat, seems to be less mobile than she used to as she's getting older and has started to fall out of the hammock and stumble on the ladders. I am going on holiday wednesday and my mum will be looking after them (shes knowledgable about pet rats as she lives with me) but I don't know if I should take the hammock and ladders down to make the cage one level. Trouble is Wanda, the younger rat, is very playful and active. What should I do whilst I go away and in general for the future? My mum won't be in the same room as them you see, only in the evenings so she can't tell if Ronnie has fallen out much. If it happens I usually see it and can check she's ok. This has only happened the last few weeks or so but I don't want Ronnie to get injured or Wanda to get bored! The reason they are such a different age is that Ronnies sister died and I adpoted Wanda for company as Ronnie was pining for her sister. Wanda was the oldest rat I could get for company and since Ronnie has cheered up a lot!

Thanks for your help,


You should worry more about the older rats safety first. She wont be around as long as the younger one and being a bit bored wont cause injury.

I would just make it one story and lower the hammock for the older rat. You can add some boxes with holes cut out for doors and windows that are low enough if the older rat climbs them she wont get hurt but the little one can still have stuff to climb in and out of. I would remove the ladders and ropes etc...for sure.