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Just got 3 male rats - do they have a URI?

21 17:20:02

Hi! We just bought 3 male dumbo rats from a pet store and they are still pretty young. However, 1 sneezes quite a lot (nothing coming out of their noses) and 1 occasionally has something that looks like blood around its eye that leaks for about 10 seconds then stops and he's fine for hours after that. Otherwise, they all seem healthy and they are active and curious and don't seem to be in any pain. The sneezy one sneezes more when he gets excited. Are these signs of a URI?


Are you new to rats? Even if your not, you would benefit from my website, Critter City.

Start with this page to learn about porphyrin and what it is all about. Porphyrin is the red discharge that resembles blood that can secrete from both the eyes and nose.
Here is more info along with photos of other rats that have it:

As for sneezing, although not all baby rats sneeze, depending on where you get them from, some do sneeze, esp when excited.  Their histamine levels rise when excited and they sneeze, but once they calm down, they usually stop sneezing.  As long as there is no congestion or audible sounds like wheezing, a monkey sound or something unusual, its probably the "newness" lf their surroundings. I know newness is not a word and my spell check is going to go nuts, but its a word I think I made up so dont mind me.  LOL

What litter/bedding do you use?  Pine, cedar and corn cob are all bad to use esp for the respiratory system.  Yesterdays news, aspen or even some of the other shredded cardboard litters are best to use.   

Also, check out my page on proper diet too.  Chances are you were talked into using a commercial seed mix for the rats, which is the worst diet in the world for them.  

Please let me know after you go over my site and by all means, if you have any more to ask, feel free.

Check out GETTING STARTED to get ideas on how to create a safe play area for the boys to run around without worrying you will lose them somewhere in the house!

Also, I usually suggest to have a vet name handy for future use.  DO NOT use any vet, because chances are I know more than they do about rat care. You will need a vet that has a background in exotics, usually an avian/exotic vet.  These are hard to come by and often you may be led to believe the local vet that sees your dog or cat is also an exotic vet if he sees rats and hamster. These vets simply say they will SEE exotics but in no way means they are certified exotic vets.   Let me know your location and I will gladly give you names of vets to consider when you do need a vet, and sadly, everyone needs a vet one time or another.

Hang in there, you will love the rats.


Now that I see your in Dallas (we have family in Plano! Here are a few more names for you to consider)

Animal Clinic of Farmers Branch    
14021 Denton Drive
Dallas TX 75234
Phone:    972-247-2221


Although Dr.Rogers is NOT an exotic vet, she has a strong interest in exotics and alot of experience with them.  

Dr. Elizabeth Rogers
Animal Medical Center of Plano    
5809 Colt Road
Plano TX 75093
Phone:    972-985-8448

Thanks for the high ratings!!!!!