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teeth and gnawing

21 17:58:03

What can I give my rats to keep their teeth from growing into the roof of their mouth?

Hi Paris

You dont really need to give your rats anything to gnaw on if your worried about their teeth growing through the roof of their mouth. This is just one more myth that is posted on so many rat sites and is just not accurate at all.
Normally, the upper and lower teeth are lined up and keep each other sharp and the proper length by grinding together.
The natural grinding or tooth sharpening called thegosis (on a scientific level) or better known as "bruxing" is what rats do to their teeth and is just one more thing mother nature added to the rat to help keep their teeth worn down just to the right length so if they never are given something to gnaw on, they will be just fine as far as their teeth growing right through the roof of their mouth!!
However, if they are knocked out of alignment, this can cause sores in the mouth from one of the teeth rubbing into the gums etc...and you will need a vet to trim your rats teeth.  Again, giving them something to chew on will not prevent this from occuring either.
Rats do have a strong desire to chew and will find something in their cage to gnaw on; from their own hidey house or plastic igloos to the cage bars.

You can give your rats dog bones that wont splinter in order to satisfy their need to chew if you want.

Hope this helps