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My new pet rats are sneezing

21 17:49:26

I bought two 4 week old male rats from a pet store on Monday and for two days, they have been sneezing constantly. They weren't doing this when I picked them out, in fact, they seemed perfect.They are eating, drinking, pooping, and urinating fine. Their coats look shiny and they are as active as can be, but one rat has some poryphrin out of his nose, not much, but a little. The other rat is producing wet, mucousy-like sneezes. I know all about rat diseases and such, but I'm really hoping that all of this is just brought on by stress due to moving to a new home. Also, I changed their bedding from Aspen to Carefresh thinking they were allergic, but the sneezing remains. Should I wait a few days and see if anything changes, or should I take them to a vet now?

Hi Sandra

It is pretty normal for rats to sneeze when they first move to a new home, esp if they are shy.  Their histamine levels tend to rise when nervous, acting like adrenaline does.  WHen the rat is held  etc...they may sneeze like crazy due to over stimulation and the elevation of their histamine levels.  Once the stimuli is removed, sneezing subsides.  Do they have porphyrin secretions too or just wet clear discharge when sneezing?  There is much debate about sneezing in young rats or even adult rats that are newly adopted.  Some people, like the infamous rat lady, "Debbie D" says that a healthy rat does NOT sneeze.  That is like saying when humans sneeze to clear their nasal passages that we are not healthy or on the verge of a cold etc..

I would like to say that it is just due to the move and I am sure they will be ok after things calm down.  However, I would feel terrible if they were sick and did not at least agree with you about seeing how they are in a few days and if they are no better, or in fact, worse, I would see a vet.  Do you have a vet that is good with rats?  If not, as you may or may not know, I always offer to provide people with names of vets that are properly educated and equipped to care for rats and other small animals simply by knowing your zip and area code or outside the US,I would need to know your location etc...

My semi professional level, I would say that they are just going through an adjustment period and to continue to monitor them closely and monitor their food and drinking habits as well as their bathroom habits too.  Should they end up having alot of porphyrin discharge, especially around their eyes and nose, or if they should slow down eating or slow down in general and seem a bit lethargic, I would not even hesitate to get to  a vets.

Hope this helps and by all means, let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!  
