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Strange Skin Color

21 17:59:53

I own two male rats. One of them is much more submissive and often bullied around by the other rat. From fighting, this rat sometimes has small patches of hair missing around his neck and base of tail and small cuts. Just recently, I noticed areas of skin on his back just above his tail that are a strange blue-grey color. Could this be normal skin coloration? Or is it related to the abuse he takes from the other rat? The patches of blue skin have fairly clean borders and are visible beneath areas where his fur is thinning. Or is it possibly some disease or mite infestation? Any info you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hi Alexi

First, rats are pack animals, and fight for roles. The alpha rat will try to dominate the others by wrestling games and bullying other rats. Some will barber, or groom the others. Both behaviors are normal, but sometimes can scare the humans who care for them.

It's pretty common to find rats that have a variety of skin tones under their fur. Colors range from blue, to brown, black, to orange. Red indicates a tiny blood vessel has broken. Sometimes if the color is blue with a yellowing area, and appears to be bruised, you'll see a purple tint to it. This is a bruise, and will go away after a bit.

It sounds like you've got a pretty rambunctious pair there! If the fighting gets out of control, you might consider neutering them, or at least the one who causes the most damage. It isn't as difficult on the animal as it has been in years past. In fact, you may find that your ratboy is the sweetest on earth afterwards.

CongRATS on your kids!
