Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > abnormally large, brown bump on my rats cheek

abnormally large, brown bump on my rats cheek

21 17:21:57


my rat is about 6 months old. out of no where, this gigantic large bump appeared on the side of her cheek. it looks like small hairs are coming out of it. she has only had this a few days. what is this bump? i can't seem to figure out the answer to this question. is this harmful to her or the 3 other rats that all share the same cage? is it a tumor?

thank you,


Sounds like an abscess. The brown you see is probably a scab or necrotic tissue.

You need to apply a warm compress on it if she allows you and see if it comes to a head.

If it does, it will burst like a pimple and contain pus that is either yellow, white or even green. It may have a horrid odor.  You need to try to get it to drain but she may end up doing it herself.  Also, she absolutely does not need to be taken from her family at all. This only stress rats needlessly.

Anyhow, once it bursts open you will want to clean it out. Use saline solution or plain clear water and pack it with an antibiotic ointment.

Please take a look at this photo and let me know if the lump is located in the same area as your rats lump is.

If you can, please send me a photo of your ratties lump. You can attach it onto the follow up message if you want.

Also, do you have a vet?  For now, she probably doesnt need to see a vet but its a good idea to have one in mind when the time comes.  If you need names please let me know your location and I will give you names of vets that see rats and are good with rats.