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21 17:21:57


My youngest rats out of the two I have keeps pinning down and seems to be trying to reproduce, the older rats keeps squeeking and running away. I try to stop this because I think the younger one is hurting her. Is this normal and can I stop this from happening?

Thanks for reading

From Heidi Parker

Hi Heidi

I am going to assume they are all three the same sex...and this is very normal behavior. Much of it is play, at least according to the little one.  How old are they, by the way?

This action is definitely a sign of play/dominance.  The younger one is trying to prove herself, letting them know she wants to be the boss, have the "upper paw", be the alpha of the group. Younger rats of both sexes also take great pleasure in chasing, capturing and showing domination over the other rat. Usually a squeak in protest stops the aggressor in many cases.  There is really not much you can do since this is common nature in rats to figure out the pecking order.

I asked how old they are because if there is a significant age difference between the younger rat and older rat, perhaps bringing in a rat as young as the youngest you have now would help. This way the two juveniles can rough house and will leave the more mature rats in peace.