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Antibiotics are NOT working (Boo Boo)

21 17:51:43


As you may remember i told you Boo Boo was on Baytril for 20days, after day 13 she went downhill a bit. So my doctor gave me CHLORAMPHENICOL PALMITATE in oral form, she has been on it for 2 and a half days (Dosage is .25cc twice a day) and i really dont see a difference. She is supposed to be on it for 7 - 10days.

The only difference i see is that the fluid i hear is loose (if you know what i mean???) but the porphyrin is back, and her breathing isnt the greatest.


And i can hear her now, her sneezing is back :( :(

So, this drug is pretty strong, if this doesnt do the trick then i will have to face the fact that she is getting there.

So my question is:
Do you know any meds i can give her daily or weekly to help ease her pain and congestion so she can have a comfortable month or two before the time comes? Anything affordable and easy to get like amoxcil?

ANSWER: The problem is, the drug is broad spectrum but does nothing for streps.
Amoxil is a good choice as is Cefa drops. I would opt for one of those two.

ALso ask the vet about albuterol and valium. This will throw the vet right off the track when you ask for liquid valium.  It really does help a rat in respiratory distress and calms them down without heavy sedation. The albuterol opens the rats airways but it may make the rat anxious which is where the valium comes in.

Has the vet ever tried steroids on Boo Boo?

Tell me all that she has been seems there are a few avenues worth trying before accepting the fact she has damage to her lungs but you can still treat the symptoms even if that is the case, which is why I am suggesting the drugs above.

Its  affordable, esp the amoxil.  

You can also run a humidifier in her room to keep the air moist. Have you tried that yet?

Hope this helps and hope she feels better....

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: They dont have albuterol or valium but they do have amoxcil, BUT its mixed with CLAVMOX, is that ok?

This is getting expensive, $37.75 for that. Isnt amoxcil found in fish capsuls that you can get in the pet store??

Its in liquid form, 15ml per dosage.

The amounts of antibiotics found in the fish meds are trace amounts. I dont recommend it. But yes, the amoxil with clavamox is good....I just think thats pricey for

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: oh, i cant find the thank/rate button, i can only ask for a follow up (??)

Well, the woman was very surprised that they need to be on it for 10 to 14days. for a 7day bottle its going to cost me $37 but i need double that.... i got paid yesterday and i dont have enough for the vets amoxil, thats outragous the prices they are giving me. I dont know what else to do but get amoxil from capsules.


Well I would hate for him to have nothing..if you can spare the $37 for the 10 to 14 days that would be ok since we are treating a secondary infection. Myco needs treated longer and I feel this is secondary to myco.

If not, do you know how much amoxil is in the capsules? Does it give directions?  It is better than nothing at this point to be honest and they are crazy with those prices. Thats a flippin office fee for a rat visit here!!!  Geeze!!