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Scalped Rat

21 17:26:46


I have a little dwarf rat that is missing about half the scalp on his head. I
thought he may have gotten in a fight with one of his cagemates but they
don't usually fight and when they do they have never hurt each other. It
doesn't look as if he has scratched it off, either. In case of infection I have
him on a small does of baytril. He is acting completely normal, but I am
worried that it might be a sign of disease or cancer, though I got him from a reputable breeder and he is only 9 months old. Are there any conditions that
can cause this?

Please help me get him better!


Hi Emily

I would need to see a photo of this since I cannot get a good visual in my head as to what this looks like.  You can either send photos to my personal email or attach one photo here.  My email is

Is the area raw? Bloody? Scabbing over? Itching him? Is the fur missing and is there tissue exposed?  I just cant get a visual as to what you mean that part of his scalp is missing so photos would really help. Hang in there!