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Rat handling

21 17:27:30

I had 2 rats who were sisters, Bonnie and Clyde, and recently Bonnie passed away during the night, and Clyde ate her in what I'm guessing is an attempt to dispose of the corpse.

Since then Clyde has been unusually agressive and attacks me if I even go anywhere near her, in or out of the cage. She even tries to reach out through the bars to try and grab me if I'm near the cage. It's a mission to feed her because she attacks me when I try to get the food bowl.

I'd love to start handling her again but I'm scared of being bitten again and my friends have been telling me to get her put down but I really don't want to do that.

Any advice on what I should do?

Anything would be helpful

Thankyou :)

Are you 100% sure that Bonnie died of natural causes, or did Clyde kill her? Does she have any other symptoms of anything that may be wrong?

Ecto- and Endo-parasites, tumors and respiratory infections can all cause rats to do some crazy things. Rats also do crazy things when they're in pain. It will be a challenge, but is there any way that you can have a vet sedate her and look her over? It may be something as simple as an injury that once fixed, she'll be okay.

I'm sorry I can't help more! Please keep me updated on her - and good for you for not giving up yet!!