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Rat scratches and scars

21 17:09:09


My son has 2 male rats that have lived together fine for their first 6 months.  Then the rat fights started - along with screaming, drawing blood and pulling off fur - so I've separated them.  

One rat (Skunky healed fine and his fur grew back.  The 2nd rat (Ranger) (whom I suspected started the fights) ended up with a lot of sores and scabs.  After nearly 4 weeks he was looking great...until now ... now he seems to have a few raw sores and scratches all down is back.  #The other rat is in a cage right next to this one and is still looking great).  

I am not sure how Ranger got more sores and scratches.  I don't see any signs of bugs, he does not scratch much, he doesn't seem to be in pain, he is still playful and eats lots but I'm sure he must be uncomfortable.

What could this be and how do I help him?

Thank you.

Ya know....I have kept more male rats than female rats and never had much of an issue with fighting but its so ironic that, despite the fact I used a very reputable breeder, my three males started to hate each other at this age.  Its all about hormones and puberty, less about aggression if your rat is well bred. However, once the rats hormones surge and we move them apart, they usually have a hard time reuniting.  My boys are all living solo and happy as can be. They can still see each other and still FIGHT when they can, through the bars mostly when one goes near the other ones cage during their time out of the cage for play.  I have tried it all other than neutering them and since I left my trustworthy vet last fall when I moved away, I dont have a vet I can trust yet so neutering is OUT.

That said, lets move on to the part about scabs may be mites, hard to say.You can try using some olive oil on a cracker a few times a day and also dab sone neosporin on the scabs. What is his diet?