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Before I Get A Rat...

21 17:58:47

I'm going to purchase a rat at Petco soon. I went there two times, and saw happy, inquinsitive rats. My dad (I'm still a child) even commented on their intelligence! Other pet stores have rats that look bored, so would the Petco I just visited a good place to purchase a rat?
Also, I'm getting just one. I'm gone for the afternoon, so would that be ok for a single rat? When I'm at my house, I'm always in my room, where my rat is. That means it'll be with me for most of the day. Would a few hours lead to a depressed rat or not?
Thanks for your time! =)

I would never buy from a petshop.  Just now I'm dealing with two other questions on rats that have myco, as most petshop rats do, once a rat has myco it never goes.  It is a gentetic thing passed on from mum to kittens.  Go to a breeder.  This way you will have the friendlist rats from the start, and a guaranteed bill of health. It is sooo important. Some of the symptoms of myco are coughing blood, losing weight, a life on constant anti biotics and usually an early death. There is no shortage of breeders wherever you are.

Next. Rats NEED company, they need a grooming partner, someone to snuggle with at night, someone to play with etc. Imagine a life with rats but no other humans. It is cruel and unecessary to keep a lone rat, rats are much more confident and happier as a whole when in a same sex pair.

Well done on wanting to research this first.  :-)

Tell me how you get on. If you need help finding a breeder etc.