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rat under amp

21 17:10:03

Hi my pet rat I have had for about 3 days I let her out to play and all she did
Was run under my guitar amp and she won't come out I try moving it but she walks with is when I move it
Its been one whole night and she won't come out I have no clue what to do

Can you lay the amp face down and expose her?  What you can do is take cardboard and wrap it around the amp but make it large enough that her cage can be there, too.  Be sure the cardboard is tall, at least 3 feet. She cant jump that or climb up it.  Put food in the cage, and if you plan on watching for her, put something in there that smells yummy like a bit of tuna fish. She will come out and feel secure with the cardboard wall up plus access to her cage will let her run from the amp to the cage.  Once you have her in there, dont try to handle her without having the cardboard wall up so she cant escape.  Next you will need to trust train her as I am sure she is scared.  Read my site, and refer to the page on trust training shy rats so you will know how to get her to trust you again.  it will take some time and some patience on your part. Let me know when she comes out! Oh also make sure that you unplug everything so she cant bite down on cords and get shocked.