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sick after eating

21 17:10:03

I have a male rat about 4 months old. He seems to always be sick in the morning and particularly after eating. The symptoms have been getting worse. Every morning after feeding he lays on the bottom of the cage, sometimes hiding and breathing heavy. He is now laying almost on top of his head, his nose pushed between his front legs, his eyes almost closed. Before eating he is fine, but shortly after (a few minutes)he looks to be on death's door. Then by afternoon he is fine again and also fine after eating his dinner. We feed our rats Harlan Teklad. We have noticed he eats extremely slow, sometimes just licking his food. We could find no teeth issues. We started to give him baby food the other day, which he still eats rather slowly and still the same sickness after eating in the morning. He has been on baytril and doxy for respiratory issues (twice). The morning symptoms have not shown a change while on medicine, but the repsiratory problems went away, but are now back. This morning was the first morning he would not take his medicine (after eating)and he looked bad, lethargic, again he was fine when I fed him. Did not think he would be alive when I got home today, but he is fine again. Any ideas?


My biggest concern now is to have him checked out for a mass in his abdomen that, when his stomach expands, it is crowded. If rats could vomit, this would be helpful, but unfortunately, they cant/  What he needs is a Vet. Do you have a good vet that is qualified to treat rats?