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rat toes

21 17:41:17

how many toes do pet rats have?   my rat is missing some and I am just wondering how many.  So how many should they have on each foot.  Her front feet seem like they are missing one each.  They have four.   The back feet have differences on each side.  I have heard that this often happens in the nest.  I have had her since she was 6 weeks or so.  She lost them before I got her or they were just never there.  We are just wondering and haven't been able to find out how many, only that it is OK if they are missing toes and this is a common injury.

 Rats have four toes on their front feet and a tiny nub of a thumb and their back feet have five toes.  It is very common for rats to lose toes; sometimes the mother accidentally chews them off during the birth as she tries to pull the baby from the birth canal and sometimes they get caught in the cage bars and tear off.  I have a rat right now who had an accident getting stuck in the bars which caused him to lose his toe.  Having a toe or even a few missing shouldn't affect their life too much; rats have very good balance and can get used to their small handicap very easily.  I hope this answers your question, good luck with your rat!