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Tooth abcess or other?

21 17:41:42

QUESTION: My rat's ear kept looking like he scratched it and it would occasionally bleed a little.  Then his jaw swelled and I got antibiotics from the vet.  It seemed like he felt better and the swelled area burst but he still has a sore there.  I was reading your answer to someone else and yes it does seem like there is an odor from his mouth.  Do you suspect this could be a tooth problem or something else?  Thank you for any help you can give me.     Pam

ANSWER: Is this on the side of his face, between the ear and the jaw?

Is there a way to take a photo and attach it can attach photos here which makes it really easy for me to see what is going on.

Are you cleaning out the sore and putting anything on it?

Sounds like he has an abscess but I want to be sure where it is coming from first.  If its from the tooth, the tooth often needs removed but if it is a zymbals gland tumor, which often will abscess, the care is alot different.

Is the pus from the sore green?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have attached a picture.  I was going to put some neosporin on it since I found out that's o.k. but wouldn't he lick it when he cleans himself?   The pus is more yellow white not green but there isn't alot.  I wanted to tell you though that he is really making alot of noise like weezing in the last couple days but today it's really loud.  Otherwise he is still pretty active and seems to be eating pretty good.          Thank you again.  Pam

ANSWER: That is still really infected.  Its ok to put the neosporin on and even if he licks it thats ok, as long as it got to absorb some.

He needs antibiotics orally. Is he still on them?

About your the vet a real exotic vet and not just a vet that sees exotics?

This looks like zymbals gland tumor.  Is there any blood from the ear now ?

Is there anything you notice such as the use of his jaw seemingly off ?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok I will put neosporin on it and continue the antibiotics but no I don't think my vet deals alot with rats but he is right across the street and has seen two of my other rats before.  He is reasonably priced and was always willing to see them.  I think if it was just a removal of a tooth he would probably do that.  The zymbals tumor is really bad isn't it?  Is there anything I can do for that?  There is no blood from the ear now.  Yes his teeth do look somewhat misaligned.  Thanks again.  Pam

Hi Pam

Unfortunately that is in the locaion of the zymbals gland. They are bad news, I will be honest, usually caused by a nasty squamous cell carcinoma that is known to metastasize fast. However, the good news is that if they are treated when they are still small, there is a chance they may not grow back.

It would need lanced open, drained and the vet would have to debride the area (removal of necrotic tissue etc...) and possibly insert a drain in the area to help drain any fluids that may build up. After the surgical procedure, the little guy would need narcotic pain relievers and also antibiotics. I would suggest finding a vet that has more experience with this since it may be serious and if there is a way to get rid of this to save his life, a qualified vet would be the one to do it.

As for this teeth being misaligned, this is due to the tumor as well. The inflammation causes pressure on the jaw and can misalign the teeth.
I would try to get him to lick baby foods from a flat dish. You can also supplement his feedings with offering him Ensure or Boost, even chocolate flavoring is fine. He needs to keep nourished and well hydrated as you know, so he stays strong. Is he still wheezing?
Do you have antibiotics there for him now? THe vet also shoud have given something for inflammation such as metacam.

Please let me know your location and if you want I can find a good vet for you and your rattie!