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Rat UTI or kidney infection

21 17:09:11

Hi there! Hope you're well. My youngest daughter's rat Jasmine (hooded fancy, female, about 9 months to a year old, bought from a PetSmart along with her companion, Cinder) recently came up with a lump next to her genitals which came out of nowhere, first noticed on the 4th of July. The lump has decreased in size, but she now has green puss-like substance oozing from her urethra. I'm thinking kidney or bladder infection, and yes I'm going to take her to the vet, but is there any type of home remedy I can give her in the meantime until I can get her in? I know cranberry juice works on human UTIs, could it work for rats too? Thank you very much for your time.

Leahann Batley

Yes, cranberry juice is safe for rats and unless you are willing to and have available treat your rat with antibiotics, the safest things to do would be to use cranberry juice and push fluids as much as possible with her.

Social Rats Adoption and Rescue - Chicago, IL