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Important Question

21 17:37:02

Hi, I have been given some anti-biotics for my one rat, I have been breeding them for 11 years now, and owned them for 19. I beleive I know quite a bit, but I am worried.
My one rat, have been given Baytril for 10 days daily because he had a mycoplasmosis flare-up. I know that it isn't enough durration, but that is another matter for another time, but anyways, on the perscription, it said IM on the side, and I know that it means *Not Recommened* So can you please tell me why my veterinarian would give me medication that is not recommended,or am I mishearing somthing or in theis case misreading?
P.S. Sorry but I wanted to ask you, my friend has had a rat for 3 1/2 years, and this rat has had a mycoplasmosis flare up its entire NEVER showed any signs of stress, and has never been bothered by it!!!??? Why and how is this!? I have been baffled ever since!

 Usually Baytril is given for about 10 days, though it depends on the severity and the dosage.  IM means intramuscular, which means the drug is intended to be injected into the muscle rather than into a vein or given orally.  Though there is oral Baytril, most vets only carry the injectable kind, which can also be given orally but it tastes quite terrible so it is sometimes difficult to give.

 Myco is a strange illness, and some rats are affected by it more strongly than others.  Some rats can live entire lives with symptoms of myco infections and be fine, others will pass away after a while.  The difference is usually the secondary infections that myco is responsible for.  Mycoplasma itself isn't a dangerous or fatal bacteria, but when it flares up it can cause a weakened immune system, leading to more serious secondary infections which CAN be fatal.  It's possible thaty our friend's rat simply never got a secondary infection and its immune system stayed strong enough to keep it going through the mycoplasma infection.

 I hope that helps, good luck with your rats!