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Another lump on Toffee

21 17:16:16

Hi Sandra,
Hope your well and had a nice christmas holiday. Toffee will be 3 at the end of April. She has got HLD and its getting worse, however at the moment she can still walk. Im giving her Senior Aid (Vitamin supplement in the UK) and she has a cataract in one eye. She has always been a bit of a sneezy rat but recently have noticed it more and she has got more poryph around her nose especially when she wakes up. Occasionally there is a small squeak with the sneeze
A few days ago i noticed another lump underneath her back leg (mammory tumour i suspect) This will be her 5th. At the moment i would say its a bit bigger than a pea.
When is it enough to not put her through another operation??
She still has a brilliant appetite, is waiting at the door to come out for free range (although i have to help her in and out of the cage now), bruxes and boggles at me when i stroke her.

I just dont know what to do. What do you think?


Ps how are your babies??  

I am so sorry about this. I cant tell you what to do but to be honest, I would not put her through a 5th surgery. I fear her liver has just about had it at her age and trying to filter out her age, I dont know.  I dont like the fact she is sneezy, either. Should she have a respiratory infection and goes under the knife, this is bad news as well.

Its your choice, of course, but to be honest, enough is enough. She will take much longer to heal now at her age and chance of infection is greater as her immune system weakens.

I support your decision, of course, either way.  You know your rat better than anyone else but having her spend the last year of her life recovering from surgery just doesnt seem fair.

My babies are horses. They will be 1 in May and all three are at least 800 grams or more. The hefers!