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new cage for rats

21 17:16:06

QUESTION: Hello, i have two rats(spot &patch) about 4 months old,and they have been in a 20 tall aquarium for the past 3 months.i just recently(as in last night) got them a new cage actual cage with three levels. the one has adapted pretty well but the other this morning was sitting still and swaying back and forth kind of like a cat does if you spin him in circles.also was very scared running to corners and sitting he just stressed or overwhelmed? if so what can i do to help him?

ANSWER: Your rat is a bit nervous, yes, but he is enjoying the new view and the fresh air circulation after being in a tank for so long.  The swaying he is doing?  Its a bit hard to explain, so please refer to my website, and go to the page on rats head swaying. You will get a kick out of reading why rats do this, but its totally normal, esp if he has red eyes. Dark eyed rats sway as well (its a way for them to judge depth and distance) and also I think I have a u tube video or two with rats doing the cute head swaying!  let me know if this is what your rat is doing, or ISNT doing.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: That was exactly what he was doing i thought he was super stressed and would pass out. thanks so much! the one called pogo is what he looks like as well as his brother,pink eyes and all. also i have read other sites that have said that to leave them alone for a few days so as to get used to there surroundings. is that what i should do or would it be ok to take them out.they are so funny to watch with my dog we have a rat terrier who couldn't care in the lest about them and lets them walk all over her.  

I would act as if nothing was different. take them out to play like always etc...
If they still seem nervous, drape a sheet over the back and sides of the cage to make them feel more secure.

Have you checked out my website, If not, check it out and also refer to the page GETTING STARTED so  you can set up a safe and secure play area for the rats.