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Fudge and Toffee update on scratching

21 17:54:21

Hi Sandra
Hope you ok. Well its been 2 weeks since their injection and they are both still scratching like they were before.
I contacted the vets and he said the reason they anethetise them is because they do a skin biopsy rather than a scrape as it shows more. It would cost 120 pounds (240 dollars) to put my baby through an anethsetic to see if she has mites. All seems a bit much. Im going to take them back for seconds injection but im not going with the biopsy. I dont like them scratching though
On another note i had them both out for about an hour this evening and they were both running round energetic as always, chewing everything. I heard squeeking and Fudge was getting quite violent with Toffee (Toffee was always the more dominant one) I carefully separated them and Toffee was really lethargic and trying to curl up and sleep. She wouldnt come to me when she was called. This is not like her at all. I hope she is ok. Maybe she is sulking as i told them both off for chewing holes in my nicely ironed trousers for work tomorrow. My boss isnt going to be happy!!!!




Refresh my memory...what do they eat on a daily basis?

Also...when you say they often?  I mean, rats scratch...dogs and cats scratch too but rats seem to spend more time grooming and scratching more than anything else.

I would never pay for a skin biopsy for something like this. That is NUTS! I so agree with you for saying no to that....seems someone just wants to make a buck!!  

Again, diet can do this too....