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Type of Bedding

21 17:21:16


I have just aquired a new female pet rat for my daughter - upon cleaning her cage, I noticed it looked like she was sneezing blood, but thanks to one of your detailed responces, I am no longer concerned it's blood and understand what's going on with her! Thanks! very helpful

Onto my question - within your response i read that pine, cedar, newspaper and sawdust are not a good choice to use for bedding in the cage. I am currently using Saw Dust - and would like to get her the most appropriate bedding asap
You had mentioned that Aspen and Care Fresh are best -
I was wondering what material these bedding's are made of? I may not be able to find these brands where I am located and would need to look for the best alternative.

Thank you for your help!

Hi Nicola

The saw dust and pine and cedar beddings are very irritating to the rats delicate lungs.
You can use yesterdays news also, or any bedding that says phenol oil free and dust free, but not corn cob either as it can mold when wet for too long and if eaten it can clog their intestines.

Ripped newspaper  is better than what your using as long as its soy based ink, which in this day and age I do believe it is in most countries as the old ink was more toxic and more expensive to use anyhow.  If not, even ripped up white paper towels till you get the right stuff is ok. Keeping them clean and free from urine build up is the best way to prevent mycoplasmosis from starting up.

Here is more info about rat care etc....on my Critter city site: