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Boo Boo not doing good.

21 17:52:03


  Well i thought i tackled the URI with the Baytril, she still has 6 days left out of the 20days worth of meds.

By day 2 to day 8 on Bayrtil, i have never seen her so happy, full of energy and she didnt seeze as much and no more porphyrin, she was getting better!

But by day 9, she suddenly got congested again, i thought it was because i cut a smaller piece of the tablet and she didnt get a very high dose on that day. But 3 days passed and she is just getting a little worse every time.

Her energy has dropped, she is sleeping more, she is now doing clicking noises when she breaths, and a kind of whimper sound when she snifs (always worse when she just woke up).

I really think this URI could be a big enough blow to end her life :( :( :( :( I read on Debbies website that the bacteria can become emune to the meds after a few days and flourish.

I know i have to get her different meds, even combine two, what do you suggest? For this, i have to drive an hour to the next town to the small animal specialist, because the clinic here doesnt have any other antibiotic other than Bayrtil that can be givin to rats (not rat friendly vet).

I really hope she pulls through till the 28th, because i have no money till then....

ANSWER: Oh great!!  That stinks.

The vet that thinks rats cant have anything but a few types of meds is incorrect. THey can have CEFA drops and all vets carry those because they give them to cats all the time. Can you call them and ask if they have them?  I know they do....they would have to. Amoxil is another one that is good, but I prefer Cefa drops. They are for a secondary infection which is probably the deal.  Debbie is right about the immunity to the drug but she hasnt been on the baytril that much to be immune...I think its just more of a strep related bacteria as well that baytril alone cant handle since it has to fight the mycoplasma that started the entire thing.
Debbie is a great rat expert and all, and she would probably suggest amoxil or cefa drops herself...but most vets wont listen to the likes of someone like her or me since we are not vets. ALot of vets frown on Debbie also since she performs non-sterile surgeries in her own home and removes tumors and does neuters and spays that way, and of course, vets will freak over hearing that, so she doesnt get as much respect from them that she deserves.  I have spoken to her alot on the phone (she is just the nicest lady, too) and she is willing to have a vet call her about anything so maybe if this regular non rat friendly vet doesnt think rats can have amoxil or cefa drops, they can call her or I.

Anyhow, you can use baytril in combination with cefa drops. She may benefit from a steroid, too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK. I will call up and ask for the drops. They probably wont just give them to me, i would have to have an appointment and a check up done ($45+TAX) and i dont have the money right now, only a little pocket change (Her Vet Visit last week + meds cost me almost $90). If that is the case i might as well go down to the specialist. Do you have any suggestions of ABS i should mention?

ANSWER:  I will assume ABS would be antibiotics???   LoL  Senior moment, again.

Also,wasn't this vet the same one that gave you the baytril? If so, they shouldn't make you come in again so soon....the meds aren't working obviously and to be honest, the rule of thumb is 3 days. If they don't     start showing improvement in that time frame or they become worse, meds should be a broad spectrum , one that works on an organism with no cell wall (baytril, zithromax) and the other more geared toward strep infection that cause respiratory infection, soft tissue infection , etc... like the cefa drops.

Hopefully that is what you meant by ABS.  

Also, did I ever try to hunt down a vet for you that sees rats? I may be able to find someone closer to you?  If you want me to help, all I need is your zip code.

Good luck


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes i meant ABS as antibiotics, im sorry for the text writing!

Ok, the first vet clinic (that i went to) Do not have Cefa Drops, they said CEFA may be an american brand (im in Canada) so they might have something similar, i will just tell them the name of the antibiotic in Cefa Drops, im sure they have it.

They said they will contact me today with the vets verdict, i will post you the antibiotics he might give me and see what you think about them (i always like 2nd opinions rather than one!). If they do give me Cefa Drops, what dose would you recommend? in liquid form and in tablet form?

My rat is an Adult, .7 of a pound, female on Baytril.

Cefa drops, use about .15 ccs  twice a day

Cefadroxil is the real name. Maybe that will help? Also I would use the baytril too if you still have can use both. The Cefadroxil should be liquid and rats LOVE it...its orange flavored.

If they dont have that, ask about Amoxil....

ALso I checked and Canada absolutely has Cefa drops but they may better know it as cefadroxil. I just looked up that info! Hopefully they let know what we are wanting!  

Please let me know whats going on!!  
Good luck!
