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CUJO rat

21 17:53:09

I have a 7 mo. old male rat. He recently has bitten me 2 times and drew blood. He is usally very calm and likes to be handled. When I take him out of his cage he begins to get wound up and goes into agressive mode. I will just be sitting calmly and he will bite and not let go. He is an only rat and is not neutured.He is simease colored.   What can I do ? Im about ready to have him euthenized !!!! Please Help...Michelle

I think you're probably experiencing some testosterone issues due to the fact that he's intact and he's hitting puberty. So, I'd go have him neutered. 99.9% of the time, your rat goes back to being his sweet, normal, pre-puberty-mood-swing self.

Good luck!
