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Update on Jenna and a couple questions

21 17:22:06

Hi Sandra!  Remember Jenna?  She had that horrid abbcess that ended up having a tumor beneath it.  Anyway, Jenna is doing pretty good.  She does have another 2 tumors (mammory) Here are my questions. She is 2 years old. I do want to do everything I can to keep her healthy and keep her around for a long time. This will be her 4th and 5th tumors removed.  I know as long as they can handle the anesthesia, it should be ok to take off tumors.  Do think think there is a fine line of how much they should go through?  If it were up to me, Id take every tumor off, no matter how many becuase she always comes through it well, but is that being selfish?
My other question is, I hate to admit this but, I have had her on pet store food, but after reading so much on making your own food for them, Im wondering, is it too late to start this?  Will it be a problem since she's been on the other so long?  
One more question.  Do you think small bits of dog milk-bone a few times a week is bad for rats? I want to make sure this isnt causing any problems for her.
Thanks you so much for taking the time to read this and answering.  I appreciate your opinion. You have helped me so much.


Hi Deb!

I am happy to hear from you! I think about Jenna alot and in fact, I use her story for reference often so people are aware of the mistakes that can be made about tumors and abscesses that can cost the rat their life.

Sounds like things are ok.  As for the surgery....its hard to know when enough is enough. I usually dont like to keep putting my rat through surgery after surgery and they seem to be spending more time healing from surgery than they do feeling normal. I also am leary about multiple times being put under anesthesia. Although there is no real limit, I feel the older the rat and the more frail their health is, the more risky it is.  You have a great vet  though and they can even check her blood work before surer to be sure her organs are functioning properly etc.... but you see, the tumors....she will probably sprout more and its going to be a never ending cycle.  When was her last surgery done?

Have you read my site on tumors and non surgical methods to treat them?  Most of them are benign and can be treated with a hormone that stops estrogen production, which is one main reason for the growth of mamary tumors.  High estrogen levels after menopause cause the development of these tumors. As long as she has high estrogen, the more the tumors will grown. Spaying the rat at the ages between 3 and 5 months of age is said to halt the rise of estrogen later in life and this means the less likely tumors will develop.   The drug, lupron, has worked on my rats to shrink or halt growth of existing tumors.  Tamoxifen is another drug used to reduce the growth of mammary tumors but it is used on malignant ones. I have had success with this drug too.  It is also used for human females with breast cancer.  Its worth asking the vet if he is familiar with it and if not, he can call a vet I know and ask about its use.

Your not being selfish, btw.  I am the same way, I want to do all I can to keep my rats with me. Thats love, there is nothing wrong with that!!

As for the diet, its never to late to change it.  High protein diets take a toll on kidneys so if she is getting too much fat and protein, her body will thank you.  

Dog bones are fine to give and also satisfy their desire to chew. I would check the protein and fat content though and if its above 15%, I would find another brand. I cant think of any right now off the top of my head, but lowfat dog bones are good for them to gnaw on. Nice and crunchy.

I am not sure how much this has helped you because I am the same way about wanting to keep going on them, as long as they do ok with the anesthesia....but there may be that one time that perhaps enough is enough....and you have to ask if its worth it.    I usually have them removed three times and after that, go the chemical way and use the lupron. My rats have made it past 3 years old on lupron.

thank you so much for writing!