Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > EMERGENCY Babies


21 17:16:17

Hi! We cleared out a family of rats on our patio. Upon me digging further... there were babies. My family was going to kill the babies too anyway but I took them. I always wanted a pet rat and couldn't stand for them to kill a bunch of babies. I now have 11 pups from two different litters. Three are 3 days old based on pictures from the net. The rest JUST have their eyes open. I have them by my bed in two buckets with paper towels and shavings. I have tried to use a syringe to feed them some warm goats milk. Only one older one really started to get the idea. I read you have to feed them every two hours and stimulate them? I have tried and nothing. I'm very worried the yougest ones may not make it through the night even. I'm going tomorrow to pick up some dog milk supplement becuase one article I read said that is good. I need any tips and help I can get. I'm obviously not doing this right. Feeding every two hours isn't a big deal for me if they will eat. Thank you SO much for reading over this and for any advice and help. I'm really desperate and want them to be healthy and grow well.

And about them growing up... a few of my friends have wanted pet rats themselves and have already asked for a few. It's not like they are unwanted rodents, you know? I thought about when they mature and have to be separated. A few will already have homes. It wasn't like just a whim I wanted to save some poor little babies. I'm ok with keeping 11 if need be too. I have a hamster and cavy as is. I have a bunch of ten gallon aquariums when they start to get older too. Just didn't want you to be like, "OH NO! 11 more rats in the world that someone irresponsibly tried to take care of and failed!" I am failing at it but hope you can help me with that :)

Not sure where you got this information on how to raise rat pups but you do NOT use goats milk or dog milk supplement at all. The protein in this will destroy their kidneys in no time and they cannot digest it, either.  Soy milk or soy baby formula is the only thing that should be used. If their eyes are shut, however, the chance for survival is pretty low. You MUST stimulate them to go to the bathroom. To do this, wet your finger and rub the rats genitals including their anus. If they do not go to the bathroom this will kill them. Also, whatever site you read that said they are three days old when they open their eyes is wrong.  If their eyes just opened, they are 14 days old.  If they have no fur, eyes still sealed closed, ears still folded flat against their head, tail is still a tiny stump, they are just a few days old, maybe a week if that.  You must keep them warm at all times but not too hot. You must not over feed them or this will cause megacolon.  As they get older, they should not be kept in an aquarium, ever. Rats need air circulation. they need a very roomy cage to climb in. They cannot be exposed to pine, cedar or corn cob bedding. They need air circulation so the ammonia in their urine doesnt build up. This destroys their lungs.  The reason people think their rats only live a short time (around 2 and younger) is because they dont know how to care for them.  There is alot more to it than feeding them, giving them fresh water and changing their cage and  playing with  them.

Please read my website, for accurate information on caring for rats. You will need to know what to feed them when they are starting to wean as well.  Pet store seed mixes is another good way to end a rats life prematurely as these mixes are not only loaded with proteins, fats and other garbage that has no nutritional  value at all.  My site will also teach you how to make a great play area for them to play in that is safe and you and your rats can sit in there together.  

I know of a great site for you to learn about caring for these babies. You need to handle them daily so they are used to humans!

There is great info on feeding them etc...

If they do survive, I will tell more stuff about them.