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Pet Rat with edema and possibly diabetes

21 17:26:02

My pet rat's right leg has swollen to three times its normal size (I think it's called edema). He no longer walks with that leg but instead keeps it lifted when he walks, which he now does slowly. He has been peeing more than usual. His other behavior (ie. friendliness and grooming self) is the same. However, he can no longer scratch his right side because of his swollen leg.

He has also been licking his right leg to the point until his skin has peeled. I am afraid he may get an infection and am unsure how to deal with it.

I fed him Honey Bunches of Oats for about three weeks before this incident. I believe this is diabetes, but am unsure. I am also unsure how to treat with this problem. Now, I feed him plain oatmeal and some vegetables. I cannot afford to pay for professional medical treatments. What should I do to ease this problem? Any help is appreciated.


ANSWER: I do not think this is related to diabetes. Because you fed him honey bunches of oats, (I have also done this several times. My 4 year old grandpa rat loves them!!) this did not cause him to develop the disease.  Diabetes happens when the cells in the pancreas that make insulin  are destroyed. This process that occurs has nothing to do with how much sugar/sweets the rat may consume. Diabetes occurs when the body can't respond to insulin normally. In most cases, the tendency to get diabetes is inherited, but eating too much sugary food etc..can cause weight gain, which can increase the risk for developing the disease.

WHat your rat has sounds more like a local infection.  Simply having a tiny cut on his leg or food and having bacteria get in can do this. The bad news is, he needs oral antibiotics so this doesnt spread to his blood stream.

You can soak the rats food in epsom salts and apply some neosporin ointment three to four times per day. Also, make sure he is drinking alot.  Do you have any antibiotics at home such as amoxil capsules?
Childrens liquid ibuprofen for swelling will help.  How much does he weigh (guesstimate) and how old is he?  Can you post a photo of his leg here?  Just follow the directions where it says ATTACH PHOTO or something to that extent at the end of your letter and browse your files and put the photo up of his leg so I can be sure its not a break or sprain.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Swollen left leg.
Swollen left leg.  
QUESTION: So is it perfectly fine if Remy (my pet rat) licks the neosporin off his swollen leg? I think he weighs between one or two pounds. I will sprinkle some crushed ibuprofen into his food tonight. Do you know what kind of dosage of ibuprofen I should give him a day?

I attached a picture of his leg. What do you think? Thanks so much for your help again.


Rat with acute ulcerative pododermatitis
Rat with acute ulcerat  
He needs the childrens liquid ibuprofen, not the crushed tablets.
The safest way to dose him is to go by weight.  There is a huge between 1 and 2lbs as far as dosing.

Also no, it wont hurt if he licks the neosporin. Keep him busy for a few minutes though so it can absorb.

Also, what he has is a dangerous infection that can spread to his blood stream.  He really needs oral antibiotics.

Note the photo I have up looks like what Remy has? This is a nasty infection called acute ulcerative pododermatitis.  This can also be known as bumblefoot, although this is not directly attacking the heel of the foot, it has invaded into his leg and can travel the bones which is fatal if left untreated.

Where are you located?  I can possibly find a vet for you that takes payments.  It should not cost more than $50 for the visit and medication. I know these days money is a harder and harder to come by and many of us are living pay check to pay check, but when it comes to saving our pets lives, I am sure I can find a vet that has some compassion and understands not everyone grows money on trees in their basement.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I see. Remy appears to have exactly what the rat in the
photo has. I'll give him the childrens liquid ibuprofen
first thing tomorrow morning. I have just sprinkled some
penicillin on apple for him to eat.

I am located in Berkeley, CA by the university campus.

Dont sprinkle any penicillin on the food. This wont help a bit and will only create a tolerance to the medication and it wont work at all when needed.  let me know what you ahve there and I can tell you how to use it.  If its a capsule, we can put the powder in the proper amount of water and mix and dispense that way.   Also, the childrens ibuprofen   I would give him around .3mls every four hours.

Vets...which is what he truly needs in order to recover fully if we dont have the right antibiotics.

Four Corners Veterinary Hospital
1126 Meadow Lane
Concord CA 94520
Phone:    925-685-0512