Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Feeders


21 17:48:18


These pictures absolutely disgust me. And horrify me. I never knew how cruel people were with the rats they feed to their snakes. Is there anything we can do? Every single one of these rats had the potential to be someone's best friend. I had originally looked up "patchwork rat" after reading about your FUGS. This website came up and it's disgusting. The comments don't help either. I spent a good deal of time scrolling through the pictures and holding my tears. Is there anything that can be done? I want to do something. I want people to be aware of how people treat rats. Thanks for your time. I know this wasn't a 'real' question.


WARNING: Above photos may be disturbing.

Just to let you know, the photos above are not of a rat, but instead, of a snake that was torn up, fatally, I may add, by a terrified adult buck that the snake was not yet read to fed on.  
ALL snake owners that fed live should really read up on it and understand it is not in the best interest of the snake to live feed. In fact, we do not accept snakes out our clinic that are fed live.
There is absolutely nothing natural about live feeding a captive snake that usually is thrilled with the hunt and kill, not by having his prey handed to him. Also snake owners have the excuse their snake will only eat live, but there are pleny of ways to get around this, if the snake owner just took the time to read up. If they truly love their snake they will think twice about live feeding.

That said, I do appreciate your letter and agree with you 110%. For years, rat owners have been locking horns with each other; One side of the coin says: I buy feeder rats and save them from impending doom!! while the other coin Says: "You cannot save them all and your just giving money to the feeder breeders keeping the in business!!"

There are no real laws in place as to protecting rats sold as feeders. The animal welfare act even excluded rats and mites to be protected until early 2002 I believe...I may be wrong on the years to be honest.

If we stop patronizing pet stores that sell feeder rats, the only business they will get are snake owners but is that enough to keep them afloat?  

All we can do is educate snake owners to use humanely killed frozen rodents to feed their snakes which is supported by most vets as well.
Also rat owners need to be educated about breeder etc...too many people breed without a clue as to what they are doing. They may not be aware that rats as young as 5 weeks can get pregnant and when they end up with 50 rats they turn them over to the pet store. Some pet stores may be less than honest and say they are selling the pups as pets but they are dumped right into the feeder tank. Also, we continue to buy these feeder rats, wanting to save even just one life from the jaws of a snake, but this money goes to the feeder breeder and when we buy one feeder rat, two more take its place.  Its a no win situation.

What can we do...good question that I have no real answer for. Not the right answer that is.  I say stop shopping the stores that sell feeder rats and try to educate snake owners on the dangers of feeding live. Thats about the best we can do. We cant save them all, and trying to do so just makes these feeder breeders  more money!