Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Follow Up from the last email...

Follow Up from the last email...

21 17:35:47

QUESTION: Aww, thanks Sandra! I will definitely stay the way I am researching and
finding out as much as I can about rats. You have alone, and your website
taught me a lot, and I think you would be a great exotics vet.
I am steering clear of 'vet pretenders' and just pray that the people Molly
disappointed are okay now, and have finished grieving over the beloved rats
they have lost for some pathetic 'vet wannabe'
Well, thanks again Sandra! Great talking with you!
Is it safe to take rats to competition? I am starting to show fancies? So would
it be okay? Or is there a risk of picking up illness that float in the air?

ANSWER: Who sponsors the competitons?  THere are super strict quarantine guidelines to follow when it comes to shows, but only really reputable rat orgs really support these rules which is why I wanted to know who was the sponsor.  Otherwise, they are the perfect place to pick up SDA and Sendai among ectoparasites and other baddies.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I don't know who the sponsor is. But they are seeing rats before they come
together to make sure they are healthy. I passed that test, all my ratties are
healthy, but I don't want to put that in jeopardy.
I love all rats and I have sold all females, I'm just sticking to males if that
narrows anything down?!
I just have seen and heard about so many people showing their rats with no
problem what so ever, and do you get any sort of prize? I am not just showing
for prizes, honestly, I love the pleasure of showing, but I was just wondering
since this will be my first time. Do you know what the judges are looking for
in a rat?


I dont know anything about shows, but check the link above. Thats your best bet right there.  have fun!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Then again, I don't think I will show.
Any suggestions on how to make babies feel more comfortable and safe on
your lap and not have a pooping frenzy all over me? I just got a few feeder
rats, and they are terrified of people.. how would I befriend them? They go
nuts when ever I try to pick them up and squirm and poop all over me! I
would love them to be friendly and welcome of people like my other breeder

Have you ever read on my critter city site about training scared and shy rats?

Just dont approach them...let them come to you,always.  

Set up a cardboard enclosure like it shows on my site on GETTING STARTED page. The idea came from wonderful Robin and THE DAPPER RAT.  Put their cage inside the safety zone and just sit. Keep your hand in the cage, freshly washed of course, palm up, and let them come to you. Hand them a treat when they do. They will relate this to be good since they love food.  But again, dont pick them up at all. These feeders were never socialized since its obvious what they were bred its up to you to get them to trust you and if you take the wrong approach and force them, they will fear poop on you!

Patience is a virtue with these little ones.