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female rat-tumor?

21 17:54:42

My daugher has 2 oneyr old female rats, and they live in thesame cage and get along fine-have always seemed very healthy and alert.  Today, while playing with one of them , my daughter noticed a large pea-sized protrusion from her vagina-the rat's- and a tiny amount of blood. It doesn't seem to bother her at all, but my 20 yr old daughter is distraught.  Any ideas?  We really appreciate your help.

Hi Laurie

Sorry this took forever to be answered. It was in the question pool where these messages end up when not addressed to any expert in particular.

It seems the rat has a prolasped uterus and really should see a vet, but only a vet that has absolute experience caring for rats. If you need guided to one, allow me to help you  by letting me know your location.  The inflammation may be from infection or it may be tumor related but the good news is that it can be treated by surgery (spaying) and removing the uterus.  The rat is just 2 years old which is prime time for problems like this to start since she wasnt spayed. Often after menopause, when estrogen levels start to rise, its common for mammary tumors to start popping up along with other reproductive problems. Again, depending on the problem, even if it is a tumor and the vet thinks its cancerous, it can be removed and will give the rat many more happy months to spend with you being a happy family pet!

Keep me posted and thanks for writing
