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Rat with weak back legs

21 17:09:49


 Have been reading your threads for a while now, and wondered if you could advise please?   We have two boys that we think are about 18 months old.  One has always been slightly larger than the other, but lately the larger one seems to have weak back legs, and walks a bit unusual - for him.  We are really worried for him, and have got an appointment with the Vet tomorrow, but wondered if you could advise what this may be?  We cant feel any lumps/bumps and he is eating and drinking otherwise as normal.  But he looks at us for help with getting in and out of his cage, changing levels in his cage and getting on the sofa (when he would happily jump before) he has been like this a couple of weeks now, but doesnt seem to be in pain?  We did think he may just be overweight, so stopped the treats and he has got slimmer but no change in his condition?   Any ideas?  Many thanks
Rupert and Williams owners


Sounds like he has the beginning stages of hind leg paralysis/weakness. This is due to compression of the nerve roots from inflammation  often associated with arthritis. You can read more about it on my website, and refer to the page on caring for elderly rats. Scroll down to the info on hind leg paralysis and let me know when your done (return for follow up)   

Steroids can be of a great benefit, but its like pulling teeth to get a Vet to prescribe them, esp in the UK unless they are very well versed on rat care and are well aware of the rats fast metabolic rate and how the side effects of the steroids would take being on them for months before there were any unwanted problems, which  is usually a weaker immune system.  It will absolutely do NO HARM to put the rat on prednisone for a short time, say, a few weeks, and this may help   with the inflammation too.