Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > my rat fell off my shoulder and cant walk

my rat fell off my shoulder and cant walk

21 17:35:56

QUESTION: he's 2 years old and he jumped off my shoulder onto the hard wood hard...he drags himself on one side. and he appears to be giving up on himself (not eating, or drinking) i've been feeding him from hand because he cant grip his food and i've been giving him water from a straw. he's still as affectionate as ever and i want him to get better what can i do to comfort him and help him get better

ANSWER: Take him to an exotics vet right away.
He is going to die if you dont.
If you need names of vets that treat exotics and are certified specialists, let me know.

He needs more than just a regular vet that sees exotics.
He probably has internal injuries and he may have some broken bones. When did this happen?          x

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: he actually ended up dying last night....R.I.P Smores.
this happened on the 15th and he only lasted about 24 hours

I feel really bad he died this way. He should have been put to sleep as I am sure those 24 hours were painful for him. Please next time anything like this occurs, you  need a vet without question to see your animal rather than have him suffer for 24 hours.