Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > tilted head

tilted head

21 17:18:16

QUESTION: I awoke this morning to notice a head tilt to the right on my little girl Scarlet.  She seems to be moving all limbs ok and her co-ordination also seems to be fine.  She's not as active as she usually is at this time of the day.  Scarlet's 14months old.  Should I be suspecting something neurological in origin (stroke or tumour?) or could it be related to something else?  Any advice is very much appreciated!

ANSWER: Chances are its an inner ear infection.  SHe needs at least a 14 day supply of baytril and something from inflammation.  If it was a tumor, it would be a pituitary tumor and she would show more symptoms, she would be much more severe than this.  I would get her in to the vet at once.  The fact she has head tilt tells me there is pressure from inflammation on her
Vestibular-cochlear Nerve which is what controls balance.  WHen this is off, the first thing that happens is they get head tilt.  It may take some time to go away, but it wont go away without treatment.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Many thanks for that!!  I have some Tylan powder left over from a previous chest infection.  Could I use this instead of baytril?  The vet gave this to me last time instead of baytril (said it was better coverage)?  Instructions were: 1/4 teaspoon per litre of water

I do not like to use any medication in water. Its impossible for the rat to get the proper amount of medication when you use water laced with medication.  To be honest, tylan is not as strong as baytril and she needs steroids to help with the inflammation too.