Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > 18 mo. old rat with tumor...

18 mo. old rat with tumor...

21 17:40:01

I recently discovered a smaller sized tumor on one of my 2 female hooded seemed to have come out of nowhere, but it's definitely not large enough to be a problem to remove yet. It's on her right side in front of her hind leg, which makes me think (judging by the research I did) that it probably has to do with her mammary glads and such and may not be cancerous.

I don't want it to grow and cause her any discomfort though, so I want to get it removed ASAP. I was wondering if there is a database of vets that may be more experienced in this kind of surgery? I live in the Pittsburgh area, and there are many vets around here...I just don't want to put her life in the hands of someone inexperienced with rats.

Thank you..

Hi Shannon

Sorry for the delay. I have been swamped on here and am trying to get to the critical rats first but I am getting so behind I feel badly for the delay.  I actually had a name for you and lost the entire post I made. I cussed, yelled and slapped the keyboard a few times but it didnt make a difference so here we are again.....!  LOL

Here is what I have for you:

Dr. Denise Pleba
Northview Animal Hospital    
223 Siebert Road
Pittsburgh PA 15237
Phone:    412-364-5353