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Response to my hairless Nakkie who lost balance (inquiry from last week)

21 17:06:07

Hey Sandra... I appreciate you asking me to get back to you regarding finding a vet. I am actually moving back to the West Coast and know some great vets there.

As far as my hairless rat's situation ... her condition never improved. She has been on anti-inflammatory medication as well as anti-biotics (she has ongoing respiratory issues so I got her a new prescription while she had her first visit with a new vet, not the one who performed surgery on her) .. she never regained her energy and simply lays down all day next to me or under me (like the side of my body) and sleeps non-stop. It is SO SO weird .. when I put her in a cage she refuses to go near the other two rats and just sits on the bottom of the cage where it is cold and not blanketed. Same goes for when I put her in a travel container (or their 'sick room')... she just picks a spot that has no blankets and huddles. Even if it's really cold. It's like she is depressed and wants to stare at the floor and not function when she is caged. Her eyes stay open and she appears to be scared even.

When I take her out of the cage to lay with her she wants to literally sleep beneath my body and have constant pressure surrounding her whole body. Fortunately I have time for this but if I leave her... she scoots off the mattress and crams herslef between the matress and the wall.

She has barely enough energy to groom herself still (plops over when she does) but I can tell she is in little or no pain. She seems very scared when she is alone. Also I feel she has lost her hearing (does not respond to my calls) and is possibly blind as she is having problems groping her food,

basically the surgery seems to have really taken its toll. Next time a rat gets a tumour, I'll think twice about removing it! At least take them to a vet I trust.

What I am curious about is why she wants to be 'smothered' beneath me (or my boyfriend) at all times. It is the only time she appears to be relaxed. Maybe TOO relaxed as she sticks her legs up to the side and just lays on her back almost like a relaxed dog or something. And she will do this for countless hours until I return her to the cage (she has been sleeping with me at night!).

She has turned into a bizarre little critter for sure. Needs constant affection.

I think she has a pituitary tumor to be honest. Sometimes the signs are not classic textbook and the rat simply becomes very very needy. The fact she has weakness in her forelimbs is a possible sign of a PT and of course loss of balance also a sign. Keep doing what your doing, I dont think she has much time left and this is the end of life for her. She wants comfort from you. I am glad she has you there for her.