Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Does she need to be put down?

Does she need to be put down?

21 17:21:28

QUESTION: Hi, my rat Pop cant move her back legs and tail due to what i think are tumors. The same thing happened to my old rat Gir except she had a stroke and couldn't control her head. We got her put down. I'm wondering if it is the best thing to take Pop to the vet and get her put down or not. I'm only 14 and i cant bare to make this decision myself and it be the wrong choice.

ANSWER: Do you see tumors?

Also, is she older?  Do you know that rats can get a condition that causes this, like arthritis, just like  people get?  You dont have to put her down if she has this. You can give her childrens motrin (I will tell you how much when the time comes) and put her in a safer part of the cage where she doesnt have to move all around, like climb.  Please read this information on my site here about this condition that older rats get.

I do need to know if she has tumors, though, can you see any?

Often when rats have this, they cant lift the tail since its part of their spine, too.

I never suggest putting rats to sleep if they are still happy.  Is she happy? Is she eating ok?
Lower her water bottle so she can reach it too. Is she drinking?  Does she still love you to hold her, give her attention?  

You may just have to help her more such as wipe her off if she cant groom good and make some adjustments so she is comfortable, maybe help feed her. In fact she may prefer to lick baby food raather than hold food in her front paws.

Your other rat, was her head tilted? Is that what was wrong with her?

Anyhow, let me know if she is happy, that is what matters and please read this about elderly rats and the arthritis they get that stops them from using their back legs and not lifting their tail.  She doesnt need to be put down for this, I promise.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yeah, shes old, about 2 years now.I'm not sure if they're tumors like I said but she has very large lumps around her legs.

I give her a bath once a week and ive rearranged the cage already so the food, waterbottle and main hut so it's all easier and not great distance from eachother.

She never really liked me holding her when the lumps started coming up. i often hold fruit and things for her while shes eating.

my old rats head was tilted and she could hardly lift it. i didnt want to get her put down, my parents wanted to. i loved her too much and cry everytime i think about her.

i just want Pop to be happy and not in pain.

Do you have a vet for her? 2 is not that old.  I would say if she were 3 I would not consider it, but at 2, the vet can easily remove the tumors.  Can you take a picture of her and the tumors? That would help me so much since I cant really say without seeing them first.

Next time your rat gets a head tilt, you may not know this, but its usually caused by an inner ear infection and antibiotics and steroids can get it better.  I have info about it here on my site so you can read up and know for just in case there is another time this happens.