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21 17:25:44

hi i am camille i am 13 years old and i have this girl rat her name is precious i got her about a month and a half ago she is quite small about a little smaller than a medium rat and when i first got her she was fine she ran around and everything then about 6 days after i got her i noticed that she kinda leans to one side when she walks and some times she runs in a circle but she is still eating drinking pooping and sleeping like normal she is a very hyper and energetic little girl. so why does she lean i mean maybe she is blind in one eye or something i don't know so maybe U do well please get back to me and let me know ASAP thank U have a wonderful day

                  sincerely camille

Hi Camille

Good news!! She is NOT blind.  She has an ear infection. This makes her feel very dizzy because the pressure in her ear is pressing on a nerve called the vestibular cochlear nerve, or 8th cranial nerve, which is easier to remember!!   She will need to see the vet though in order to get better. The vet will give her antibiotics and something for inflammation such as prednisone or metacam.  However, you need a good vet that knows what to do with rats. These are usually called Avian exotic vets.  Let me know your location and I will give you names of good vets that see rats.

Read more about head tilt and ear infections and walking in circles on my website: