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Another Rat loosing Hair

21 17:46:58

QUESTION: I have two rats one is  6 months (Elizabeth) and the other almost 3
months(Ruth).  I did noticed Elizabeth was picking and biting Ruth when we
first brought her home.  She stop biting her the battle scars are heal BUT
She's loosing hair ... I thought it might be mites like the other rats I read
about on the web page. But I figure if only one has the problem it couldn't be
that ,could it?  I guess, if one might have mites the other should show signs
too. And I haven't seen any problems with Elizabeth's coat. I notice that I
started to develop some type of  fungus on back of my thumb it could be ring
worm.  Do you believe that I might have gotten this from Ruth? and if so how
do I treat my poor baby Ruth? I would like to have her coat back,  and which
foods would give my rats a great shiny coat?
thank you VERY MUCH

ANSWER:   If you have ringworm, it likely is ringworm that is affecting Ruth.  Though ringworm is contagious, sometimes it doesn't affect other rats in the cage.  If Elizabeth seems fine you won't have to treat her unless you notice any hair loss or itching on her as well.

 To treat ringworm you'll have to obtain some anti-fungal ointment.  You can take her to the vet for a prescription or if you can't afford to do so you can pick up some clotrimazole cream from the pharmacy and apply it twice a day.  The best treatment option is the cream in conjunction with oral anti-fungal medication available from your vet.  Here is some more information on ringworm in rats:

 Mites are still a possibility, though it is pretty rare for only one rat in the cage to be affected.  Mites can be treated with Revolution or Advantage (flea killer solutions for dogs and cats) which is a safe treatment to use even if they don't have mites.  I'm pretty sure it is ringworm, but if you want to treat them for mites anyway apply a single drop of the solution to the skin at the back of their necks (you may as well treat both since you will have enough solution in one tube) and again in two weeks.

 A complete diet of quality lab blocks with fresh food available daily will help improve your rat's coat.  Cod liver oil is supposed to increase the glossiness of their coat but I haven't tried it personally.

 I hope that helps, good luck with your rats!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I read the web site about ringworm and it's descriptions of skin being raise
and scabby . Her skin looks fine to me but I am still going to use the
ointment just incase. Could their skin look fine and still have ringworm?  
again thank you so much!!! for the information!!! I'm so happy I got some
answers ... not a lot of people know much about rats or would bother to treat
their pet usually I'm told like many other rat owners to "just get another one
their only like 5 bucks" thank you a thousand times!

ANSWER: I'm not really sure; I've only seen ringworm a few times and it was usually flaky or scabby skin and hair loss, but I suppose it could present without the skin irritation as well if it were a more mild case.  Have you noticed her itching at all?  If her skin looks totally fine but her hair is thinning it could be from something else.  Ringworm usually only affects one area, but if her coat is thinning all over it could be allergies or the other rat could be barbering her.  Mites usually only bite around the furless areas of the rat such as their ears, feet, and tail base, and lice are most often around the back and hindquarters.  Though mites and lice can cause fur loss due to the rat itching at itself, you will often see raised red bumps or red bugs or egg sacks along the fur and the skin will be irritated and sometimes ulcerated due to itching.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: if that's the case how do I make Elizabeth stop! She hasn't been itching much. I
do wash them once and a while which is about twice a month or when their tails
get really pooie like. I use small animal shampoo by pet scentsations "cool
cucumber melon". I bought the ointment today. I'll take pictures see if I see a
differences   thank you many times !

If she's itchy, you can't really stop her from scratching.  You'll just have to figure out exactly what is causing the itching and once she is treated she should stop.  Hopefully the ointment will help her out!  I wouldn't suggest bathing her too often, as it can dry out their skin and make it irritated.  If their tails get dirty, try just washing their tail only.