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WonderWall for 2 Female Rats

21 17:19:49

I've been having a hard time working with my rats and training them, as I haven't been able to rat-proof any particular area well.  I had seen a "wonderWall" for rats, but I can't seem to find that product any longer.  Google searches are not coming up with anything useful.  I had read about it in a blog, but can't seem to find the website.  Do you know where I could locate this slick plastic wall that rats can't climb?

I appreciate any help you can provide, my poor rats are not geting the exercise and attention they need.  


Interesting. It seems they've been discontinued, as I can't find anything on them either; which is a shame because they're BRILLIANT. Fortunately they're easy enough to make and cost about the same to assemble from scratch.

I made mine using thin pieces of plexiglass, which I glued hinges to, to form a collapsible gate that when assembled could either be entirely straight or hexagonal. It isn't perfect and certainly not as pretty, but it gets the job done. Otherwise, investing in a very large plastic tote (depending on how many rats you're working with) or investing in a regular wire baby gate or playpen (as purchased from, etc.) with plexi glued to the inside may be very helpful.

I'm sorry, wish I could be of more help! Good luck.

Edited! Found it!! It's called the "Grrreat Wall" -- try that. :)